An effective Therapy for Aids By Dr. Mohamed Samir A. Abdel-Rheem









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Mohamed Samir A. Abdel-Rheem
Cons. Of surgery, Damanhour National Medical Institute
Damanhour, Egypt.


The use of moist heat as immuno stimulant in HCV treatment and other skin lesions 

I mean by moist Heat (MS) the boiling water. The boiling water was used in treatment of capillary haemangioma. Also hyper thermia is being used in onchotherapy. However in 1993 I used moist heat in treatment of skin lesions as cancer, warts, ch. Ulcers and some autoimmune diseases with great success. Finally I used (MS) in treatment of HCV with astonishing results. The study was done on 20 pts. Suffering from HCV as diagnosed by PCR. Their ages ranged from 30 to 76 years, 5 of them were free from any liver diseases, 5 had ascites and 2 with hypersplenism.

I injected MS intramuscularly for each pt only once. Follow up was done depending on lymphocytic count which increased after 24hrs reached its peak in 15 days and returned to preinjection level up to 30 days. There was also fever from 38.5 to 40°C for 3 – 5 days. In all pts the condition improved, laziness, exhaustion, and earthy look disappeared in 15 – 20 days. Post injection PCR revealed complete disappearance of HCV in 14 pts (70%). However in the rest there still small amount of viruses.

Follow up of some pts up to one year revealed no viruses.

I think there is sort of different immune reaction in which MS stimulates unknown cells which produce immune reaction against this different diseases. This method is very effective, costless, harmless, without any contra indications and can be used similarly in treating (AIDS).



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